Henry Chosen as Joeytown Rep. on San Diego VacationWreckertown and Frogtown still undecidedJOEYTOWN -- Shortly after their reunion a few days ago, the Joeys picked their representative for the San Diego trip scheduled to begin on Sunday. A 4-coin toss was used to create 16 possible outcomes: there were 15 Joeys present, thus making one extra outcome that was dubbed to be "no one goes" or "free for all." Henry was chosen by a tales-tales-heads-tales combination. When asked how he felt about going on the trip, he replied, "It will be a great opportunity for me, after all I am one of the most inactive Joeytown residents. Then again, being the most active Joeytown resident isn't saying much. Anyway, I hope I get a glimpse of life in the fast lane." Adrian Dantly Reported MissingFROGTOWN -- An underground source reported that the famous and well-liked comedian, Adrian Dantly, is either dead or missing. Experts have not yet confirmed the report, but are expecting the worst. The source said that while he was visiting Frogtown, he went into a record store and blah blah blah blah blah and heard that blah blah blah blah. Blah blah blah blah blah and blah.
The Joeytown News -- "If there isn't any news, we'll make some." -Bear,