Please fill out this survey, as your answers
will be used to find out what cars to build and
- Are you (mark)
- _X_ poor
- ___ standard
- ___ wealthy
- If you were to buy a automobile, what
company would you choose?
- _X_ Joey Motors
- ___ Wrecker Motors
- ___ Other __________ (state company)
- ___ Depends on cars available
- What kind of car would you purchase?
- ___ Standard 2 door or 4 door
- ___ Truck (pickup)
- ___ Van
- _X_ Limo
- ___ Small Limo
- Which car do you think looks the best?
- ___ Joeymobile S4D-S2D
- ___ Sunbird
- ___ Joeymobile SW4D-SW2D
- ___ JMC SPU-1
- ___ JMC SW-1
- _X_
Classic Limo
- ___ Paddington C4D-C2D
- ___ None of them
We at JM appreciate your cooperation. Your
answers will be used to make the best car for you.

Joey, President

Dantly, average frog