The Joeytown News

Ecker? Ecker!!!

Has Wreckertown gone mad? Strange things have been going on. Wrecker has mysteriously disappeared, and has been replaced by a creature known as Eker. He looks suspiciously like Wrecker. And he plans to create his own rock group called Ecker. Rumor is that Wrecker died yesterday when he got hit by a baseball.

The latest event on the subject was an animal like Raccoonie with Eker's long, rainbow nose, came into Joeytown asking where Eker was.

At the time of publication of the last paragraph, Wrecker walked in with Bunny. We exclaimed, "You're back!" He said he was on vacation. "Maybe soon I'll be hit by a baseball," he said.

Car Review

Appearance: sporty and fast
Performance: semi-fast
Comfort: a 14" doll can rest firmly in the seat
Value: very well-built
Price: about $50

For more details, refer to December's Car & Driver.

The Joeytown News

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