![]() Bear Runs Against Joey in Joeytown Election
Why hold an election for such a worthless position? We asked Bear why she was running against Joey. "I just wanted to get my picture in the newspaper," was her reply. Even dolls that are not Joeytown residents are permitted to take part in the election. You may send in your ballot anytime--ballots will be counted at the start of Christmas vacation. Who Is Frog Bond?Bond. Frog Bond. The biggest name in the spy agency business of Dolland. A world-famous secret agent. But who is he? Frog Bond has never taken on physical form, and yet he has managed to become the best secret agent in Dolland. How is this possible? We asked several people in the spy business to voice their opinions. One agent said that Frog Bond "is merely a pigment of our imaginations." Another believed that Bond does exist, but he does not have a body. "He simply travels around in his spiritual form, listening in on conversations, attending secret meetings, and doing all that other spy stuff. Of course, no one can actually see him, which is why his such a good secret agent." Once, however, Hop was found in the pants of Bump Wills, who was riding on a Wrecker spaceship that was being taken over by Joeys. It was known that Frog Bond was on the ship, and Hop was the only frog to be found. Few got excited, though. One Joey agent said, "Throughout history, Frog Bond has occasionally been found, and each time it was a different person. For the frogs, being Frog Bond is kind of like having jury duty." New Citizens: Yet Another Garfield
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